Holiday Music That Won’t Break Your Grownup Brain

My daughter will turn two next month, and I am all about making the Christmas magic this year. Not really the “buy a whole bunch of stuff that will make my house a maze of toys I’ll inevitably step on late in the night” kind of magic, but the singing and baking and driving around looking at lights kind of magic. I’m not traveling anywhere until next year, so I’m taking advantage of the time to be with her and make the holidays sweet while she’s old enough to start to get it and little enough to actually enjoy it. This means a lot of Christmas music is being played in my house right now. 

The thing is, I’m kind of an elitist about kids music. I want it to sound good. Like to me, the grownup in the house. I want it to be pleasing to my ears and enjoyable for me to belt out loud. And holiday music for kids, holiday music in general even, just so often isn’t that. So this sent me on a quest to find some Christmas music by kid-friendly musicians that I actually like.

Good news! I found lots of great stuff! And I’m sharing some of my favorites here with you.

Renee & Jeremy bring their quiet harmonies and indie vibe to traditional favorites like “Deck the Halls” and “Jingle Bells.” They also give us “Sunny Christmas,” an upbeat original chock full of positive vibes. 

Big Don reimagines well-known Christmas tunes with a southern hip-hop style. It’s genuinely fun, with catchy hooks and good beats. 
The genius of this album is that it reworks the lyrics of lots of traditional tunes to be secular rather than religious. I’m using “Frozen Penguin” as a new winter song for Stories, Songs, and Stretches! classes!

Two other winners are A Laurie Berkner Christmas and Navidad y Pancho Claus con Jose-Luis Orozco.

My two very favorites, however, because I did come of age as a punk in the ’90s, are:

What are your favorite Christmas jams to share with kiddos? Post a comment and let us know!